Human Resources

Faculty & Staff Resources & Forms

Notice of Availability of Form 1095-C

Due to recent regulatory changes, UM will no longer provide a printed copy of Form 1095-C to employees, except upon request.  Form 1095 is required as part of the Employer Shared Responsibility Provision in the Affordable Care Act to verify that eligible employees and any dependent(s) were offered health insurance coverage.  Employees may obtain a copy of Form 1095-C upon request by emailing  Please include an email address and physical address to which the request may be submitted, and provide a contact number for any questions.


Personnel Action Form

Student Personnel Action Form

Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Form

W4 Form

A4 Form

Moving Expense Allowance Form

Change of Address Form

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Sick Leave Bank Enrollment and Cancellation Form

Faculty Position Posting Form

Policies and Procedures

All University employees should acquaint themselves with the University’s policies and procedures and handbooks. These documents represent the principles on which the University operates but do not represent contractual agreements of any kind.

Faculty Handbook

Adjunct Faculty Handbook

Staff Handbook

Disciplinary Procedures

UM Policies              

Required Training

All employees are required to complete FERPA training.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Public Safety

The safety and welfare of Montevallo’s students and employees is a shared responsibility.  Please view the video below and visit the University’s Department of Public Safety website for instruction on how to foster a safe environment, as well as, how to respond in times of emergency or crisis.

Parking and Vehicle Registration

Key Request Form

Campus parking is free to all employees but automobiles must be registered with the Department of Public Safety.  After completing the registration form, a parking permit will be mailed to you.  Please display the permit in the windshield of your vehicle and park in white lined spaces. Human Resources will provide you with a temporary parking pass which will allow you time to request a permanent permit and avoid costly parking citations.

Email and Computer Access

Human Resources will assign you a user name for the University’s information system, Banner, and an Outlook email account.


It is the intent of the University of Montevallo to comply fully with all applicable copyright laws, including but not limited to the Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. §101, et seq.), the Federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”), and the Higher Education Opportunity Act.  Copyright, the right of the copyright holder to control the duplication, performance, and distribution of a work, applies to almost all creative and intellectual works. Copyright covers printed works such as books and journals, and their electronic equivalents. Sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, works of art, computer programs, websites, and music are also covered by copyright. Policy 01:012 sets forth the University of Montevallo’s policy regarding copyright compliance.

Copyright Symbol

Carmichael Library Copyright Policy


Canvas Logo

Canvas is Montevallo’s friendly and intuitive, Learning Management System used for delivering online, hybrid and web-enhanced traditional courses.  Basic tutorial videos and well-written quick guides are available her to familiarize you with the system.  Tutorials and quick guides are also included to help you navigate through the more advanced aspects of Canvas.

Malone Center